The project was for soil reinforcement via stone columns and rigid inclusions for the construction of a new ferry terminal at the port of Annaba.

The project
The main structure of the new ferry terminal consisted of three blocks A, B and C in R+3. Blocks A and C had an area of around 1700 m² (35.10 metres x 48.40 metres) and Block B has an area of around 1400 metres² (35.10 metres x 48.40 metres).
The challenge
The holes revealed the presence of silty sand with a muddy appearance and sandy clay while the expectations for predictable absolute settlements were for less than or equal to 5.0 centimetres; and unit differential settlements less than or equal to 1/500th.
The solution
Keller carried out soil reinforcement via dry stone columns and rigid inclusions under the floor. In total, we installed 29,000 ml stone columns made under the paving, and 10,000 ml of rigid inclusions under the columns to cater for higher loads.